Monday, July 4, 2016

Free download-coin recognition & counting game
 Kindergarten with Tracie

 Kindergarten with Tracie

 Kindergarten with Tracie
In Kindergarten, penny recognition should be presented in a variety of ways.  Putting pennies in game format is one way to help insure that students are exposed to coins.  You can lay a clear spinner over this penny spinner, or use a pencil tip at the center as you spin a paperclip around the pencil tip-depending on your resources.  
Students each need a ten frame paper.  Students can race to 20 or fill the ten frames with pennies and race down to zero.

Free download for back to school
 Kindergarten with Tracie

 Kindergarten with Tracie

 Kindergarten with Tracie
I like to have my Kindergarten students look at their name tags on their table or desk, and cut & paste each letter A-Z in the Yes, in my name column or No, not in my name column.  This is a great beginning of the year activity for name recognition.